YouTube is an incredible social media platform where anyone with a camera can share their original short or long-form video creations. But it has a dark side, as well.
As sad as it is to admit, there are plenty of YouTube channels out there that violate YouTube’s Community Guidelines in either their behavior or the type of content they post.
So, what do you do if you come across one of these channels – or if they come across you?
If you’re experiencing any form of abuse or have witnessed any inappropriate content from a YouTube channel, your best course of action is to report it. That way, YouTube will review the channel and take action.
In this article, we’ll explain how to report a channel on YouTube using the desktop website or the mobile app.
What Happens When a YouTube Channel Gets Reported?
When a YouTube channel gets reported, YouTube takes some time to review it and the reasons for the reporting. It doesn’t get taken down right away.
If YouTube finds that the channel is completely violating their Community Guidelines or has committed “a single case of severe abuse,” then they will remove it.
Regarding less severe Guidelines violations, a channel must accrue three strikes total before YouTube will delete it.
To date, YouTube has removed nearly 6.5 million channels from the platform.
Things To Consider Before Reporting a Channel on YouTube
Reporting a YouTube channel is a serious step to take. As such, it calls for a little bit of thought beforehand. So, consider these things before you make that fateful click.
1. Do You Have a Valid Reason for Reporting the Channel?
There are plenty of valid reasons to report a channel, but also plenty of invalid ones, as well.
For example, if the only reason you decide to report a channel is because the person who owns it made a video where they said something you disagreed with, that’s not grounds for getting them in trouble. Neither is it okay for you to report them as a joke.
You may not like a certain YouTube creator personally, or their type of content. But unless they’re saying or doing something abusive, inappropriate, deceptive, or violent in their videos, then reporting their channel is probably too dramatic a step.
In case you need more guidance on what’s a reportable offense and what’s not, check out YouTube’s Community Guidelines.
2. Do You Want to See More Content From That Channel?
Keep in mind that when a channel gets reported and is found to have violated YouTube’s Community Guidelines, it can get demonetized or even deleted. That’s why you need to make sure you’re okay with not seeing more content from that creatorbefore you click Report user.
3. Is Reporting the Best Way to Handle this Channel?
Consider if reporting is really the best way to handle this channel. If the creator is in violation of Community Guidelines, then you should absolutely report them to the platform. But if it’s a case where you simply don’t like them or their content, you may want toblock them instead. This way, you no longer have to see their videos on your feed.
How To Report a Channel on YouTube on the Desktop
At this point, we’ll begin guiding you through the steps of reporting a YouTube channel using the YouTube website.
Step #1: Make sure you’re signed into your YouTube account.
Step #2: Find the page for the channel you want to report.
Step #3: Click on the About tab.
Step #4: Click Report user.
Step #5: Choose the reason that best describes why you’re reporting the channel. (You have three options – channel art, profile picture, and user.)
Step #6 (optional): In the window that automatically pops open, go into more detail about why you’re reporting this channel.
Step #7: Click Submit.
How To Report a Channel on YouTube on Mobile App (iPhones and Androids)
If you’re browsing your YouTube app on your iPhone or Android and find a channel you want to report, here’s how to do it.
Step #1: Open the YouTube app on your mobile device.
Step #2: Find the channel you want to report.
Step #3: In the top right-hand corner of the channel’s page, tap More.
Step #4: Select Report user.
Step #5 (optional): In the box that pops open, enter any details you want to add to your report.
Step #6: Select Next.
Step #7 (optional): Select any of the creator’s videos that you want to report specifically.
Step #8: Select Submit.
3 More Actions You Can Take To Protect Against Other Channels
If you decide that reporting is too harsh of an action, or if you want to make sure that you see and interact with the offending channel as little as possible while your report is being reviewed, worry not. We’ve got three other actions you can take to protect yourself and your community against abusive, or even just annoying channels.
1. Select “Not Interested” on all their Videos
To help curate your Recommendations list and rid it of your least favorite creators, select “Not interested” on any video of theirs that you come upon. Take it a step further by clicking the link “Tell us why” and selecting a reason for not wanting to view that content anymore.
If you do this enough times, YouTube may get the hint and quit recommending that channel’s content to you.
2. Don’t Give them Any Engagement
YouTube channels thrive on engagement. So, if you don’t like or have a beef with one, the best way to stick it to them, so to speak, is to not engage with them at all. Don’t even dislike their videos, since even dislikes still count as engagements and are a net positive for YouTube creators.
3. Select “Don’t Recommend Channel” on One of their Videos
If you don’t want to report a channel, but you still don’t want to see content from that creator in your feed, try selecting “Don’t recommend channel” on one of their videos. This will, effectively, block them, so that you no longer get their content recommended to you on your homepage.
When you come across a YouTube channel that is in clear violation of YouTube’s Community Guidelines and is causing you or someone else harm, it may be best for you to report them. Thanks to our guide, you now know how to do that on the desktop version of YouTube, as well as the mobile app on your iPhone or Android device.
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