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What are Instagram Auto Likes and How Do They Work?

What if you could generate hundreds of likes on your Instagram posts a short time after posting, whether you have an active fanbase or not? That’s the power of auto likes! In this article, we explore what Instagram auto likes are and how they work.
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What are Instagram Auto Likes & How It works
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A sign that an Instagram account is popular is when you publish a new post and you get hundreds of likes on it almost instantly. Influencers will spend months or years organically building a loyal fanbase to achieve that level of engagement. 

But in the meantime, the likes they generate are often inconsistent and haphazard – especially as they experiment with what kinds of posts their followers respond the best to. It can hurt their engagement and actually prevent them from growing at a fast pace.

A challenge like this calls for a clever solution – one that provides the engagement you need at a consistent pace while not requiring much effort. 

Fortunately, a clever solution does exist, and it’s something called Instagram auto likes.

What Are Instagram Auto Likes? 

Instagram auto likes are a type of engagement that you can buy from a growth services provider. They are likes that are automatically delivered to your post without you having to lift a finger.

You may be wondering how auto likes are different from regular likes.

Regular likes for an Instagram post can be obtained in one of two ways: through organic marketing strategies and through purchasing them once the post has gone live.

The problem with generating likes organically is that it can take a long time if you don’t have a lot of followers yet. And the issue with buying them after you publish your post is that it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to complete the delivery. Add that to the time it took for you to find a provider and place your order, and then repeat that process every single time you upload a new post.

Both of these involve a lot of time and effort that you probably don’t have available to you!

That’s where auto likes come in to save the day.

How Do Auto Likes Work?

The way auto likes work couldn’t be easier or more convenient.

First, you must choose an auto likes plan. You have the option to order hundreds or even thousands of auto likes for a certain number of posts per month.

For example, at Viralyft, our auto Instagram likes plans cover up to four posts every 30 days (but you can always buy more than one plan if you want auto likes for more posts or request a custom order).

Once you’ve completed your purchase and provided your Instagram username or profile URL to the growth service, you can see the auto likes in action. All you have to do is publish a post, and within hours and sometimes even minutes, you’ll see your likes count rise according to the number that you purchased.

You can repeat this process up to as many times as your plan covers. The beauty of it, of course, is that you’re able to increase likes on your posts on a consistent basis without buying a whole new engagement plan every time.

Where Can I Buy Auto Likes For Instagram?

Auto likes are typically sold by a growth services provider, which is a website that helps you grow your Instagram account with various types of engagement.

It’s important that you choose a provider that sells auto likes from real Instagram accounts. There are some disreputable sites that deliver Instagram auto likes from accounts that are run by bots instead of human beings. This type is always a bad investment, as Instagram will quickly remove any bot accounts it discovers on the platform. 

When the bot accounts go, so do their likes, which will cause your engagement rate to slide backward instead of forward. That’s the exact opposite of what you’re looking to do!

If you want to make sure you only invest in real auto likes from real, human-led Instagram accounts, check out our affordable plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Auto Like?

An auto like is a like that automatically appears on your Instagram post shortly after you post it. It’s a convenient way to drive up engagement with little to no effort.


Now that you know what Instagram auto likes are and how they work, you also have the power to leverage this strategy for your own advantage. Incorporate it into your growth plan for your Instagram account and use it to sustain a high level of engagement on a long-term basis.

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